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Most Common Questions about Keratoconus and Epithelium-On Crosslinking

Most of what our patients find on Keratoconus is outdated. To help those with keratoconus and similar conditions, we Googled the most common questions asked. Here are some of them
Kera What Blog Image

Have You or Someone You Care About Been Diagnosed With Keratoconus or Ectasia?

If you missed this, keep reading to learn the latest research about these vision-threatening conditions. “I tried to tell them. I couldn’t see well out of that eye even with

How Long Can I Wait to Do Something About My Keratoconus?

Wow, were we wrong about this question until new research was published! Doctors are still telling patients with keratoconus they can avoid treating this progressive disease because they are “stable.” 

To Make a Smart Decision, You Need to Understand Epithelium-On versus Off

Why Was the Epithelium Scraped Off for Epithelium-Off CXL in the 1990s?  Technology was not available to get Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) into the cornea without removing the epithelium  Note no
Cornea cover

EpiSmart Crosslinking for Keratoconus: A Phase 2 Study

A groundbreaking new study about EpiSmart crosslinking may serve as a roadmap for future keratoconus and ectasia treatments.